Ánodo de titanio recubierto de rutenio iridio para el tratamiento electroquímico de lixiviados de vertederos

Ruthenium Iridium Coated Titanium Anode for Electrochemical Treatment of Landfill Leachate

The treatment of landfill leachate by electrochemical oxidation advanced oxidation processes (AOPs) has been reported as one of the most effective methods to degrade a variety of refractory compounds in landfill leachate. In electrochemical oxidation, employing different types of anode materials plays a dominant role, and substantially influences both reaction selectivity and efficiency.

UTron had developed ruthenium iridium coated titanium anode for electrochemical treatment of landfill leachate. This RuO2 and IrO2 coated titanium anode (Ti/RuO2-IrO2) possesses high stability and catalytic activity. It was found to have an excellent removal performance for COD, NH3-N, color, and heavy metals in landfill leachate, and could effectively reduce the contaminant loading of these effluents and enhance biodegradability.
Anode Material: Titanium;
Coating: RuO2 and IrO2;
Chloride Ion Concentration:6.5g/L;
Electrolyte: Sulphuric acid;
PH: Electrode Gap:5 cm;
Anode Shape: Rod, mesh, plate, or custom;
Service Life: 1-3 Years;

High performance for COD, NH3-N, color, and heavy metal removal;
Economical comparing with BDD;
Long service life;
Eco friendly;

dyeing wastewater treatment;
Organic wastewater treatment;
Seawater Electro Chlorination;
Cooling water anti-biofouling;
Pool chlorinator cell;


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