Platinized Titanium Anode Mesh with Two Conductor Tabs

Platinized Titanium Anode Mesh with Two Conductor Tabs

Platinized titanium anodes have been widely used due to their high output current density, low loss, long life, and lightweight. Composite platinized titanium anodes can be used as insoluble anodes for cathodic protection and metal electrodeposition. With the development of the semiconductor industry, the development of the electroplating industry has attracted great attention. Platinum plated titanium electrodes can also be used for electroplating, seawater desalination, organic electrolytic synthesis, metal surface treatment, and so on.

The titanium based platinum plating process involves depositing a pure platinum coating on the surface of titanium, while the titanium based platinum plating process involves coating a layer of platinum containing compounds on the titanium base, which are sintered at high temperature to form a layer of platinum containing oxide on the surface of the titanium. The structure is loose, the resistivity is high, and the consumption rate during electrolytic discharge is high. Its coating is uniform and strong, with strong adhesion, and a surface coverage rate of 100%.
UTron had offered platinized titanium anode mesh with two conductor tabs to their customer from America, below is some parameter for reference:
Anode Substrate: Titanium in Grade 2;
Anode Coating: Platinum;
Coating Thickness: 5.5 Micron;
Application: Electroplating;
Export Country: America.

UTron has a professional RD team for platinized titanium anode and MMO anode production, they can design and custom the anode coating, and solutions to meet customer specific needs. During the past years, their products have been proven of high quality and have been used in cathodic protection, electroplating, water treatment and the electrowinning industry. Any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

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