Ánodo de cinta de titanio MMO que trabaja en proyectos de sistemas de protección catódica

MMO Titanium Ribbon Anode Working on Cathodic Protection System Projects
The MMO Ribbon Anode consists of precious mixed metal oxides that are sintered to the surface of commercially grade 1 titanium to provide inert catalytic anode characteristics. It used along pipelines, under tanks and in congested areas to minimize interference and  many other cathodic protection (CP) applications. UTron had provided MMO titanium ribbon anode working on cathodic protection system projects to their clients in Viet Nam. Below is some parameter for reference:
Substrate: Grade 1 Titanium ASTM B265;
Catalyst: Precious Mixed Metal Oxides;
Dimensions: 6.35x0.635 mm;
Length: 155m;
Service Life: 50 Years;
Application: Cathodic Protection;
Export Country: Viet Nam.

UTron is a leading MMO anode supplier with over 30 years professional technical background. Their products have been exported to 62 countries in world and proven of high quality. With expert engineers and skilful workers, UTron products are of high quality. It can provide any Third Party test, if appliable. Any queries, please don’t hesitate to contact us.


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